Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we [are] not careful to answer thee in this matter.

Ver. 16. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered.] With a heroic faith and well knit resolution. A sound faith and a clear conscience, saith one, are able by their native puissance to pull the very heart, as it were, out of hell, and with confidence and conquest to look even death and the devil in the face.

We are not careful to answer thee.] The saint hath a quietus est rest that supersedeth all his cares. Php 4:7 Some render it non necesse habemus. As the king would admit no discussing his decree, but would have it absolutely obeyed, so they were at a point never to do it, nor to be removed from their religion. The heavens shall sooner fall, said that martyr, than I will start or stir an inch from what I have professed. With the like undaunted courage answered Cyprian the proconsul; Basil, the Arian emperor Valens; Dr Taylor, Stephen Gardiner; Mr Hawkes, bloody Bonner. A fagot will make you believe the sacrament of the altar, said Bonner. No, no, answered Hawkes, a point for your fagot. What God thinks meet to be done, that shall ye do, and no more. a

Paenae sunt pennae queis super astra vehor.

a Acts and Mon., 1445.

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