Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

Ver. 4. To you it is commanded.] Chald., They command; i.e., the king and his council. as Esther 1:13 ; Est 1:15 But what said the heathen? Obediemus Atridis honesta mandantibus, a we will obey rulers if they command things honest, but not else. The Bishop of Norwich asked Roger Coo, martyr in Queen Mary's days, whether he would not obey the queen's laws? He answered, As far as they agree with the Word of God I will obey them. The bishop replied, Whether they agree with the Word of God or not we are bound to obey them, if the queen were an infidel. Coo answered, If Shadrach, Meshaeh, and Abednego had done so, Nebuchadnezzar had not confessed the living God. b

a Eurip. in Phaeniss.

b Acts and Mon., fol. 1550.

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