Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, which [is] of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

Ver. 13. That Daniel.] He was principal president, and deserved a better attribution than that Daniel. But ill-will never speaketh well of any.

Which is of the captivity.] This also is terminus diminuent - q.d., This royal slave, whom thou hast preferred above us all, and hast moreover some thoughts to set him over the whole realm. Dan 6:3 New men shall be much spited. It was therefore no ill counsel,

Fortunam reverenter habe quicunque repente

Dives ab exili progrediere loco. ” - Auson.

Regardeth not thee, O king.] Chald., Putteth no respect on thee. This is common, falsely to accuse God's most faithful servants as antimagistratical, because they refuse to obey unlawful and impious decrees.

But maketh his petition three times a day.] They say not to whom he made it, which might have helped him greatly; for the king might conceive that he made it to some other man. It is an evil office to omit such circumstances as may help the accused. 2Sa 16:3

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