Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast [him] into the den of lions. [Now] the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Ver. 16. Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel.] Besides and against his conscience, Rex regendum se praebet impiis nebulonibus, the king yieldeth to the importunity of these wretched malignants, and condemneth an innocent. See Matthew 27:24. This maketh Calvin conclude ne micam quidem pietatis fuisse in hoc rege, that there was no goodness at all in this king.

And cast him into the den of lions.] So little assurance of a continued felicity is there to any prince's favourite; witness Joab, Abner, Haman, Callisthenes, Sejanus, Ruffinus, Eutropius, Stilico, Alvarez de Luna, who told those that admired his fortune and favour with the king of Castile, You do wrong to commend the building before it be finished.

Now the king spake and said unto Danial.] Many oppressing landlords, saith one, are like Darius, that prayed God to help Daniel, but yet sent him to the lions' den. How many friends at a sneeze have we today? saith another. The most you can get from them is, God bless you, Christ help you.

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