Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.

Ver. 23. And commanded that they should take Daniel up ant of the den.] Pull him up with cords, as they did Jeremiah in like case. Jer 38:11-13

So Daniel was taken up out of the den.] A lively type of Christ's resurrection from the pit. a So was Joseph taken from prison, and made lord of Egypt; Samson breaking the bars, and carrying away the gates of Gaza; David, so oft oppressed by Saul, and yet exalted to the kingdom; Jonah, his being drawn out of many waters. Mat 12:39

Because he believed in his God.] Of such force is faith, of such power is prayer; for it may well be thought that he prayed hard (with David, Psa 22:21), "Save me from the lion's mouth, so will I declare thy name unto my brethren." The prayer of faith shall save the afflicted; and questionless justifying faith is not beneath miraculous in the sphere of its own activity, and where it hath the warrant of God's Word. Let such as desire a special providence believe, wait, and walk uprightly. 2Ch 16:9

a Mos priscus Christianorum fuit ut in suis sepulchris inter alia resurrectonis symbola Danielem in lacu inter leones stantem sculperent. - A Lapide in loc.

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