Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he [was] faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Ver. 4. Then the presidents and princes sought.] Chald., Were seeking; they made it their business so to do. Envious men are always in excubiis, set in their watch, to observe where they may fasten their fangs, and do most mischief. See Proverbs 27:4. See Trapp on " Pro 27:4 "

But they could find none occasion.] His innocence thrattled their envy, and made them, since they could not come at his heart, to feed upon their own.

Nor fault.] Neque in facto, nec in signo; and yet they waited for his halting, as Psa 38:16-17 and watched as eagerly for it as a dog doth for a bone. A blameless behaviour disappointeth malice, and maketh it drink up the most part of its own venom.

Forasmuch as he was faithful.] Homo quadratus; a square-dealing man, and such as against whom lay no just exception. Homo virtuti simillimus, as Paterculus saith of Cato Major, A man as like Virtue herself as could be possible.

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