But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

Ver. 15. All these curses shall come.] Far more curses are mentioned than blessings. Such is the baseness of our natures, that we are sooner terrified with menaces than moved with mercies. See we may here how the curse of God haunts the wicked, as it were a fury, in all his ways. In the city it attends him, in the country it hovers over him; coming in it accompanies him, going forth it follows him, and in travel it is his comrade: if it distaste not his dough, or empty his basket, yet will it fill his store with strife, or mingle the wrath of God with his sweetest morsels. It is a moth in his wardrobe, murrain among his cattle, mildew in his field, rot among his sheep, and ofttimes makes the fruit of his loins his greatest heartbreak, so that he is ready to wish with Augustus, Utinam aut caelebs vivissem, aut orbus periissem; Oh that I had either never married, or died childless!

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