Yea, he loved the people; all his saints [are] in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet; [every one] shall receive of thy words.

Ver. 3. Yea, he loved the people.] With a general love, with a common philanthropy. But the love of God in Christ is that we must all labour after; such a love as doth better for a man than restore him to sight, or raise him when bowed down. Psa 146:8

Are in thy hand.] And so in a safe hand. Joh 10:29

And they sat down at thy feet.] As attentive and tractable disciples. See Act 22:3 Luk 10:39 2 Kings 2:5. "Knowest thou not that the Lord will take thy master from thy head?" A phrase taken from their manner of sitting at the feet of their teachers.

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