For in much wisdom [is] much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Ver. 18. For in much wisdom is much grief.] And herein children and fools have the advantage; as they want wit, so they want woe; as little is given to them, so little is required of them. Nihil scire vita iucundissima, To know nothing is the bravest life, as the Greek proverb hath it. a But this must be taken with a grain of salt; and we must know, that heavenly wisdom hath infinite pleasure; and so far as all other arts and sciences are subservient to it, and regulated by it, they afford to the mind an incredible delight and sweetness.

a Eν τω φρονειν γαρ μηδεν ηδιστος βιος - Soph.

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