Wisdom [is] good with an inheritance: and [by it there is] profit to them that see the sun.

Ver. 11. Wisdom is good with an inheritance,] a So is it without it, but not so good, because wealth is both an ornament, an instrument, and an encouragement to wisdom. Aristides, saith Plutarch, b slandered and made justice odious by his poverty, as if it were a thing that made men poor, and were more profitable to others than to himself that useth it. God will not have wealth always entailed to wisdom, that wisdom may be admired for itself, and that it may appear that the love and service of the saints is not mercenary and meretricious. But godliness hath the promises of both lives. And the righteous shall leave inheritance to his children's children. Or if he do not so, yet he shall leave them a better thing, for "by wisdom" (abstracted from wealth) "there is profit"; or, it is "more excellent," or "better," (as the Hebrew word signifies), as the apostle in another case, "And yet show I you a more excellent way" 1Co 12:31 - viz., that graces are better than gifts; so here, that wisdom is better than wealth. And if Jacob may see "his children the work of God's hands," framed and fitted by the word of God's grace ("the wisdom of God in a mystery,") this would better preserve him from confusion, and "his face from waxing pale," than if he could make his children "princes in all lands"; Psa 45:16 yea, this will make him to sanctify God's name, yea, to ‘sanctify the Holy One,' and with singular encouragement from the God of Israel. Isa 29:22-23

a Utilior est sapientia cum divitiis: so the Septu. here.

b In Vita.

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