All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it [was] far from me.

Ver. 23. I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me.] Solomon here seems to say of wisdom, as Nazianzen doth of God the author of it, Tantum recedit, quantum capitur. Not that wisdom itself doth fly away, but because that they who have most of it do especially understand that it exceedeth the capacity of any one to be able to comprehend it (as Basil a gives the reason), so that they that think they have got demonstrations perceive afterwards that they are no more than topica aut sophisticae rationes, topical or sophistical arguments, as Lyra here noteth. Bonus quidam vir solebat esse solus, &c., saith Melanchthon: a certain well meaning man was wont to walk and study much alone, and lighting upon Aristotle's discourse concerning the nature of the rainbow, he fell into many odd speculations and strange conceits; and, writing to a friend of his, told him that in all other matters, though dark and obscure, he had outdone Aristotle; but in the matter of the rainbow he had outdone himself. After this he came into the public schools, and disputed of that argument, Et tote prorsus coelo a veritate aberrabat suis phantasiis; b and then he came to see that he had been utterly out, and strangely miscarried by those phantasies which he had so strongly fancied.

a Basil., Tract de Fide.

b Joh. Manl., Loc. Com., 536.

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