This wisdom have I seen also under the sun, and it [seemed] great unto me:

Ver. 13. This wisdom also have I seen,] i.e., This fruit and effect of wisdom have I observed, that through the iniquity of the times, it is slighted and left unrewarded if joined with a mean condition.

And it seemed great unto me.] Though not unto the many, who value not wisdom, if meanly habited, according to its worth, consider not that

Saepe sub attrita latitat sapientia veste,

that within that leathern purse may be a pearl of great price, and in those earthen pots abundance of golden treasure. "I know thy poverty, but thou art rich" Rev 2:9 The cock on the dunghill understands not this: That which seems great to a Solomon, Multis pro vili sub pedibusque iacet. Stultorum enim plena sunt omnia.

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