For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

Ver. 5. For the living know that they shall die.] Hence that proverb among us, As sure as death. Howbeit, that they think little of it to any good purpose, appears by that other proverb, I thought no more of it than of my dying day.

But the dead know not anything.] So it seemeth to those atheists that deny the immortality of the soul. But they shall know at death that there is another life beyond this, wherein the righteous shall be "comforted," and their knowledge perfected, but the wicked "tormented"; Luk 16:25 and with nothing more than to know that such and such poor souls as they would have disdained to have "set with the dogs of their flocks." Job 30:1 are now "sitting down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God, and themselves thrust out into utter darkness," Luk 13:28 in tenebras ex tenebris infeliciter exclusi, infelicius excludendi, a

Neither have they any more a reward.] What! not a "reward for the righteous?" Psa 58:11 Not a "certain fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery indignation which shall devour evildoers?" Heb 10:27 That were strange. But wicked men would fain persuade themselves so: Ut liberius peccent, libenter ignorant, b - "Of these things they are willingly ignorant." 2Pe 2:5

For the memory of them is forgotten.] This is true in part, but not altogether. Joseph was forgotten in Egypt, Exo 1:1-22 Gideon in Israel. Jdg 9:1-57 Joash remembered not the kindness which Jehoiadah had done to him, but slew his son. 2Ch 24:22 Nevertheless the "foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his"; 2Ti 2:19 and there is "a book of remembrance written before him for them that fear the Lord"; Mal 3:16 their "names are written in heaven," Luk 10:20 and "the memory of the just is blessed." Proverbs 10:7 ; see the note there

a Augustine.

b Bernard.

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