Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Ver. 11. Put on the whole armour] Or else never think to do the afore mentioned duties; we have a busy adversary to deal with. The Turks bear no weapons but in travel; then some of them seem like a walking armoury; so must a Christian be. Coriolanus had so used his weapons of a child-little, that they seemed as if they had been born with him, or grown into his hands. a Seneca reports of Caesar that he quickly sheathed his sword, but never laid it off. No more must we.

The wiles of the devil] Gr. The methods or way-layings of that old subtile serpent, who like Dan's adder in the path, biteth the heels of passengers, and thereby transfuseth his venom to the head and heart,Genesis 49:17. Julian by his craft drew more from the faith than all his persecuting predecessors could do by their cruelty. So doth Satan more harm in his sheepskin than by roaring like a lion.

a εγγενη και εμφυτα. Plutarch.

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