Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Ver. 14. Stand therefore] στητε, a military expression. A man may well say to the Christian soldier, as Simon in the ecclesiastical history did to the pillars, which he whipped before the earthquake, Stand fast, for ye shall be shaken.

Your loins girt about] Here, if ever, "ungirt, unblest." He is a loose man that wants this girdle of sincerity.

The breastplate of righteousness] Inherent righteousness,1 John 3:7, that insureth election,2 Peter 1:10. The use of a breastplate is to keep the vital parts from being mortally wounded, that a man be not stricken down without recovery; so doth righteousness the soul. "Treasures of wickedness profit nothing; but righteousness delivereth from death," Proverbs 10:2. This is that aes triplex circa pectus, that privy armour of proof, that the saints have about their hearts, so that that "wicked one toucheth them not" with any deadly touch, 1 John 5:18. It is well observed by some, that in all this panoply there is no mention of a back plate (as there is of a breastplate), because the Christian soldier should never flee, but be like Androclid, whom when one derided, because being lame he went to the wars, he answered merrily, he came to fight, and not to run away.

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