For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Ver. 20. I am an ambassador] Venerable for mine age and authority, as the word πρεσβευω signifieth. The ancient and the honourable are usually employed as ambassadors. Cognata sunt γηρας and γερας. Old age and honour are akin in the Greek tongue.

In bonds] Gr. In a chain; instead of a chain of gold (worn commonly by ambassadors), and far more glorious, I bear about my bonds (saith Ignatius in his Epistle likewise to the Ephesians), as so many spiritual jewels or ensigns of honour. a Oh, said Alice Driver, here is a goodly neckerchief, blessed be God for it, when the chain was put about her neck.

That therein I may speak boldly] He saith not that I may be freed from my chain, but that I may do my office well in my chain. Let God serve himself upon us, and then no matter what becomes of us. Martinas decumbens, Domine, dixit, si adhuc populo tuo sum necessarius, non recuso laborem. (Sever. Epist. iii.)

a τα δεσμα περιφερω τους πνευματικους μαργαριτας

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