And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women's house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her.

Ver. 11. And Mordecai walked every day] What marvel that Esther was so obedient to Mordecai when he was so solicitous of her welfare? These mutual respects draw on one another. The centurion in the Gospel had dutiful servants (Do this, said he, and they did it), for he was a most kind master, and minded their good.

Before the court of the women's house] The Turks wonder to see a man walk to and fro, and use to ask such a one what he meaneth? and whether he be out of his way, or out of his wits? But the Persians and Greeks were great walkers. Jesus also walked in Solomon's porch, John 10:23, &c.

To know how Esther did] Heb. The peace of Esther, Omnis in Ascanio, &c. (Virg.). He had taken her for his child, and was curious of her welfare, though she were now grown up, and preferred at court. The court, he knew, was an ill air for godliness to breathe in. His care was, therefore, that she might have Gaius's prosperity, even mentem sanam in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body. And although he trusted God with his niece, yet he knew that an honest care of her might well stand with faith in God's providence. God must be trusted, but not tempted, by the neglect of lawful means, Matthew 4:7 .

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