Now it came to pass, when they spake daily unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told Haman, to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand: for he had told them that he [was] a Jew.

Ver. 4. Now it came to pass, when they spake daily unto him] This, if they did of good-will (as at first perhaps they did), it was a friendly office, and may shame many of us who are so backward to Christian admonition (see my common-places), that spiritual alms, that we are bound freely to distribute, Judges 1:22,23. But it; as is likely, at length at least they did it to ingratiate with Haman, and out of envy to Mordecai, because he did not comply and comport with them, what did they else but act the devil's part, and the rather, because they were importunate and impudent as not to take an answer?

And he hearkened not unto them] They did but surdo fabulam (as they say), beat upon cold iron; this matter was not malleable, this man not to be prevailed with, to do aught against his conscience. The heavens shall sooner fall than I will alter mine opinion, said that martyr. This the persecutors called obstinacy; seal pro hac obstinatione fidei morimur, saith Tertullian, but for this obstinacy of faith we gladly die; and the stronger any are in faith the more resolute in warrantable purposes. The strength of Israel repenteth not, 1 Samuel 15:29. Inconstancy comes from weakness.

That they told Haman] Purposely to pick a thank and curry favour. Go not about as a tale bearer, Leviticus 19:16. The word signifieth as a pedlar, that first filleth his pack with tales and slanders, and then venteth them to the hurt of others. Such are fitly joined with flatterers, Proverbs 20:19, and with murderers, Ezekiel 22:9. Such a wretched pedlar was Doeg, and such were these evil instruments in the text, whose tongues were as sharp as the quills of a porcupine, the poison of asps was under their lips. And although it was truth they told Haman, yet because they did it not for any love to the truth, nor for respect to justice, nor for the bettering of either party, but only to undo the one, and to incense the other, they were no better than slanderers.

To see whether Mordecai's matters would stand] Whether he would stick to his principles, and not start aside for any terror, Philippians 1:28 .

For he had told them that he was a Jew] That is, by interpretation, a confesssor; yea, more, he was a stout professor of the truth; and though he had hitherto concealed himself, yet now (since they will needs have it so) he plainly tells them his country, and his conscience, the true cause of his peremptoriness, which they held and called pride and stubbornness.

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