And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness [was] about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

Ver. 4. And I looked, and, behold.] In this ensuing mysterious vision of a whirlwind, four cherubims, four wheels, a throne upon the firmament, formidabilis Dei forma proponitur, is set forth "the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord," as it is expounded, Ezekiel 1:28, that hereby the people's arrogance might be the better subdued, the prophet's doctrine more reverently received, and the prophet confirmed in his calling. The sum of this celestial vision is, that the divine providence doth rule in the world, and is exercised in all parts thereof, and not only in heaven, or in the temple, or in Jewry, as the Jews then thought. As for the changes in the world, which are here compared to wheels, they befall not at all adventures, or by haphazard, but are effected by God, though all things may seem to run upon wheels, and to happen as it fortuneth. At the day of judgment, at utmost, men shall see a harmony in this discord of things, and providence shall then be unriddled. Meanwhile, God often wrappeth himself in a cloud, and will not be seen till afterwards. All God's dealings be sure will appear beautiful in their season, though for the present we see not the contiguity and linking together of one thing with another.

A whirlwind came out of the north,] i.e., Nebuchadnezzar with his forces. See Jeremiah 1:13,15, Fitly compared to a whirlwind for suddenness, swiftness, irresistibleness. A Lapide telleth of whirlwinds in Italy which have taken away stabula cum equis, stables with horses; carried them up into the air, and dashed them against the mountains, see Habakkuk 1:6,7 ; Hab 1:9-10 and consider that those Chaldeans were of God's sending.

A great cloud.] Nebuchadnezzar's army, Jer 4:13 that peditum equitumque nubes a 2Ki 25:1 Eze 39:9 that stormed Jerusalem.

And a fire infolding itself.] Heb., That receiveth itself within itself, as in a house on fire. Understand it of Nebuchadnezzar's wrath against Jerusalem, much hotter than that furnace of his seven times more than ordinarily heated, Dan 3:19 or rather of God's wrath in using Nebuchadnezzar to set all on a light fire.

And a brightness was about it.] The glory of divine presence, shining in the punishment of evildoers.

Out of the midst thereof as of the colonr of amber.] Not of an angel called Hasmal, as Lyra, after some Rabbis, will have it. Jarchi confesseth he knoweth not what the word Hasmal meaneth. This prophet only hath it here, and Ezekiel 1:27; Ezekiel 8:2, as Daniel also hath some words proper to himself.

a Liv.

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