Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that is] low, and abase [him that is] high.

Ver. 26. Remove the diadem.] This was a fine linen cloth, wherewith the king's head used to be bound about, a and then the crown was set on.

Take off the crown.] Our Richard II, when to be deposed, was brought forth crowned and in royal robes. Never, saith the chronicler, was prince so gorgeous with less glory and more grief.

This shall not be the same.] Haec non erit haec. This crown or kingdom shall not be as it hath been.

Exalt him that is low.] Jeconiah, or, as some will, Christ the King of the Church.

And abase him that is high.] b Zedekiah. Let him not henceforth be the master of a molehill, nor owner of his own liberty. In him let it appear that mortality is but the stage of mutability.

a Diadema, of διαδειν circumligare.

b Just the same that Cambyses threatened unto Egypt, τα μεν ανω κατω, τα δε κατω ανω. - Herod., lib. ii.

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