Son of man, because that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken [that was] the gates of the people: she is turned unto me: I shall be replenished, [now] she is laid waste:

Ver. 2. Because that Tyrus hath said.] Wicked men shall give account for their "hard speeches also," Jdg 1:15 if not sooner, yet certainly at the last day, with the whole world all on a light fire about their ears. Tyre was the chief city of Phoenicia, built before Solomon's temple, saith Josephus; a and anciently called Sarra, b saith Servius, of the Hebrew tsor, which signifieth a rock, because it was built upon a rock. It became the most famous and wealthy market town of the whole East; and having so great a resort to it from all parts, it was a very sinful place; and framing comedies out of the Church's tragedies, hath this prophecy to champ upon, for a rebater of its pride and petulance.

Aha.] See Ezekiel 25:3 .

That was the gates of the people.] Whereinto they entered by troops and caravans, for religion and traffic.

She is turned unto me.] Vide hic ingenia mercatorum. Her ruin shall be my rise. Lo, this is the world; envy and avarice rejoice at, and are fed with other men's tears and losses; sed gaudent pyraustae gaudium. Contrariwise, God is rich to all that call upon him; Rom 10:12 and in spiritual things there is no envy, because they may be divided in solidum, in the whole, one may have as much as another, and all alike.

I shall be replenished.] Mercibus et opibus; with wars and wealth. But how long will it hold?

a Antiq., lib. viii. cap. 2.

b Sarrano dormiat ostro. - Virg. Gorg., lib. ii.

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