Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

Ver. 10. Show the house.] Heb., That house - sc., Which I have showed thee in visions; the idea of that temple which shall shortly be set up, its figure and dimensions.

That they may be ashamed.] Of having dealt so unworthily with a God so gracious.

And let them measure the pattern.] Ut metiantur universe; that, by a holy geometry, they may, in the spirit of their minds, take all the dimensions of it, and be transformed into the likeness of the heavenly pattern. These are those holy and heavenly mathematics, which none can learn but those that are taught of God, and without which none can be Christ's disciple; like as none might be scholar to Plato that had not the grounds of geometry. a

a Scholae Platonis haec fuit inscriptio, ουδεις αγεωμετρητος εισιτω .

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