This [is] the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about [shall be] most holy. Behold, this [is] the law of the house.

Ver. 12. Upon the top of the mountain.] The Church is as a city on a hill, seen far and near, Mat 5:14 and the members of it are still ascending from one degree of grace to another, from strength to strength, till they see the face of God in Zion. Psa 15:1 Heb 12:22-23

The whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy.] All the Lord's people are so, at least in profession, first steps, honest endeavour, divine acceptation, and shall be so one day in all perfection. Revelation 21:8 ; Revelation 21:27 ; Rev 22:14-15

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