Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long; they shall only poll their heads.

Ver. 20. Neither shall they shave their heads.] What can the Popish shavelings say to this, qui ne pilum ullum viri bona habere videntur, as Cicero a saith of Fannins Chaereas? noting it to be a sign of crafty malice to be shaven. And indeed is so bald and heathenish a ceremony that some priests in France are ashamed of the mark, and few of them have it that can handsomely avoid it. b

Nor suffer their locks to grow long.] As women's: some heathen priests nourished their hair to a great length. A shag-haired minister is an ugly sight: bushes of vanity become not such, of any men.

They shall only poll their heads.] Or, Round them. Certainly, saith one, c the devil had forgotten this text when he raised up that reproach of Roundheads. To have hairy scalps is the garb of God's enemies. Psa 68:21

a In Orat. pro Rosc. Comaedo.

b Spec. Eur.

c Mr Burroughs.

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