Moreover, when ye shall divide by lot the land for inheritance, ye shall offer an oblation unto the LORD, an holy portion of the land: the length [shall be] the length of five and twenty thousand [reeds], and the breadth [shall be] ten thousand. This [shall be] holy in all the borders thereof round about.

Ver. 1. Moreover, when ye shall divide by lot.] As Ezekiel 48:29, where we have the division of the land, and the several seats assigned to each tribe. Here we have first provision made for the church service, which Christ's people are most zealous of, and do therefore allot, before any divident, a portion for the Lord's house and servants, and that very large, to prefigure the largeness of the Church of the New Testament. See Revelation 7:9,10, &c. Here Jerome aeknowledgeth himself to be in a labyrinth. The Jews call again for their Elias. Oecolampadius comes in with his huius loci mysteria tacitus veneror, and thinks this part of the prophecy such as no human understanding can fathom. Howbeit -

Nil desperandum Christo duce, et auspice Christo.

The length shall be.] See Trapp on " Eze 40:1 "

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