And the burnt offering that the prince shall offer unto the LORD in the sabbath day [shall be] six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish.

Ver. 4. Six lambs without blemish.] This was a larger sacrifice than Moses had appointed Num 28:9 - Christians have more cause than Jews had to sanctify the Sabbath - as that for the new moons Eze 46:6 was lesser. See Numbers 28:11. Hereby it appeareth that God was about to abrogate the Mosaical worship, and the Levitical priesthood: Lex enim posterior derogat priori. This the Jewish doctors would fain say something to, but cannot tell what. The wit of these miscreants, reprobate concerning the faith, will better serve them to devise a thousand shifts to elude the truth, than their obstinace will suffer them once to yield and acknowledge it.

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