Ezekiel 48:35 [It was] round about eighteen thousand [measures]: and the name of the city from [that] day [shall be], The LORD [is] there.

Ver. 35. It was round about eighteen thousand measures.] See on Eze 48:32 Revelation 21:16 .

The Lord is there.] Jehovahshammah. This is the true Church's name, and the true Christian's happiness, such as no good can match, no evil overmatch - viz., that wheresoever he is, there God is, and therefore there heaven is; like as where the king is, there his court is. This very name implies God's everlasting being with his Church, according to those precious texts of Scripture, every syllable whereof droppeth myrrh and mercy. Lev 26:11-12 Matthew 18:20 ; Matthew 28:20 John 14:23 1Co 15:28 Revelation 7:14,17 ; Revelation 21:3,5 ; Rev 22:3-6 This is the truth of that which the temple, while it stood as a type or figure, did represent, "This is my rest for ever; here will I dwell." Psa 132:14 God will not forsake his Church as he did the synagogue, but have it up to heaven to him, Rev 21:1-3 where are crowns, sceptres, kingdoms, beatiful visions, unutterable ecstacies, sweetest varieties, felicities, eternities; and all because Jehovah-shammah, the Lord is there; to him be glory and praise everlasting. Amen. So be it.

Soli Deo Gloria

The Jews, having finished a book, add - Benedictus qui dat fatigato robur.

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