Beside their servants and their maids, of whom [there were] seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and [there were] among them two hundred singing men and singing women.

Ver. 65. Beside their servants, &c.] Their masters' necessary instruments, και ολως εκεινων, saith Aristotle, and wholly at their command. See Proverbs 12:9 .

Two hundred singing men and singing women.] That sang at feasts and funerals. See Ecclesiastes 2:8. These perhaps might have been as well spared. Nam ad quod prosunt eiusmodi artes (saith one), et quis eiusmodi hominum eas profitentium usus, nisi ut aliis sint oneri, et cibum potumque egenorum, sicut locustae, praerodant atque consumaut? (Funccius).

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