Of the sons of Joab; Obadiah the son of Jehiel, and with him two hundred and eighteen males.

Ver. 9. Obadiah the son of Jehiel] This Obadiah (as also Zechariah, Ezra 8:11, and Azgad, Ezr 8:12) sealed the covenant, Nehemiah 10:1; Nehemiah 10:5, not without oath and execration. It is both lawful, and in some cases needful, for good people solemnly to bind themselves to bounden duties. Hereby, saith a grave divine, as true intention, earnest desire, prudent jealousy, and holy zeal are manifested, so is a dull spirit much quickened, and the weak, wayward, revolting flesh bridled and curbed; yea, and bound to her good behaviour.

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