The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

Ver. 15. The princes also of Pharaoh, &c.] Flattering courtiers please princes' humours, and serve their delights, though to the procuring of their plagues, as here, and in young King Joash. "If a ruler hearken to lies," saith Solomon, "all his servants are wicked". Pro 29:12 Aulici sunt instar speculi, saith one. And Mirifica est sympathia, said another, inter magnates and parasitos. Herodotus writeth that, when Cambyses demanded of his courtiers and counsellors whether it were not lawful for him to marry his own sister, whom he greatly desired, they answered, that they found no law to license such a match: but another law they found, that the King of Persia might do what he wanted to. a

And the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.] Not for any worse purpose than to get her goodwill to become his wife.

a Aλλον μεντοι εξευρηκεναι νομον τω βασιλευοντι περσεων εξειναι πωιειν α αν βουλητα - Herod., lib. iii.

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