And the name of the third river [is] Hiddekel: that [is] it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river [is] Euphrates.

Ver. 14. Hiddekel.] Or Tigris, which hath its name from the swiftness of the stream: Tigris in the Median tongue signifieth an arrow, saith Curtius, which flieth very swiftly. The tiger also is the swiftest of all beasts. Hiddekel signifieth sharp, swift. Contrariwise, Nile floweth gently, Lene fluit Nilus saith Claudian; so do the waters of Shiloah, Isa 8:6 creeping and crooking" slowly" and slily, called therefore, as some think, "the dragon well". Neh 2:13 And of the river Araris (probably Saone) in Germany, Caesar said, a whether it move forward, or backward, who can tell?

a Oculis in utram partem fluat, iudicari non potest. - De Bel. Gal., l. i.

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