And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar.

Ver. 1. And Abraham journeyed from thence, &c.] Either as grieved at the sight of Sodom; or annoyed by the ill air thereof; a or as loathing Lot's incest; or driven out by a famine; or desirous of doing good to many. Whatever it was that occasioned his removal, we find him ever and anon journeying from one place, and sojourning in another. God's people are a brood of travellers. This was Abram the Hebrew, of Heber, which signifieth, pilgrim or stranger. They look toward heaven as their home, as Ulysses is said to do toward Ithaca, b as a bird looks to her nest on the highest rocks.

a Inde tam gravis halitus manat, ut eum nulla animalia perferant, cuius solo olfactu intereant .

b Plin. lib. viii. cap. 28.

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