And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,

Ver. 14. And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massah.] Out of these three names - which signify hearing, silence, and suffering - the Masorites gather the three principal duties of man, in common conversation; viz., to hear, to keep silence, and bear: these, say they, make a quiet and good life. Sustine et abstine, is the philosopher's a counsel. Video, Taceo, "I see, and say nothing," was Queen Elizabeth's b motto: and "I am for peace," Psa 120:7 was David's; or, as the Hebrew hath it, "I am peace." He "heard the slander of many, fear was on every side"; Psa 31:13 but he "as a deaf man heard not, and as a dumb man, so he opened not his mouth". Psa 38:13 Facile est in me dicere, cum non sim responsurus, said one once, to another that reviled him; thou shalt fight without an adversary, for I will hear and bear, and say nothing. The best answer to words of scorn and petulancy, saith learned Hooker, is Isaac's apology to his brother Ishmael, patience and silence, no apology. Pασιν, απολογεισθαι θεραπευτικον. A man would not be bound to such a slavery as to answer every calumny. Qui nescit ferre calumnias, convitia, iniurias, nescit vivere, saith Chytraeus. He that cannot patiently bear reproaches and injuries, may make up his pack, and get him out of the world; for here is no being for him. Vitus Theodorus sent to advise with Melancthon, what he should do when Osiander preached against him: Melancthon per Deum obtestatur, ut taceret, et se ira gereret, quasi non audiret: Melancthon besought him, for God's sake, to say nothing in that case, but to carry himself so as if he heard not. Vitus writes back, that this was very hard; yet he would obey. c It is hard to swallow down physical pills: but better swallow them whole, then chaw them between the teeth.

a Aνεχου και απεχου. Epictet.

b Cared. Elisab.

c Melch. Adam.

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