And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he [was] faint:

Ver. 29. And Jacob sod pottage.] Pottage of lentiles, which was a kind of pulse much like to vetches or small peas: so frugal and sparing was the diet of those precious patriarchs, to the shame of our luxury. Quicquid avium volitat, quicquid piscium natat, quicquid ferarum discurrit, nostris sepelitur ventribus. a We devour the wealth of earth, air, and sea. b

Esau came from the feld, and he was faint.] Labor est etiam ipsa voluptas. Of carnal pleasures, a man may break his neck sooner than his fast. Nor is it want of variety in them, but inward weakness, or the curse of unsatisfyingness, that lies upon them. The creature is now as the husk without the grain, the shell without the kernel, full of nothing but emptiness; and so may faint us, but not fill us.

a Seneca.

b Kακιστον θνριον η γαστηρ .

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