And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great:

Ver. 13. And the man waxed great.] Because the Lord blessed him, Gen 26:12 for it is his blessing that maketh rich. He sowed, and feared God, and the Lord blessed him. Godliness hath the promises of both lives. 1Ti 4:8 Now the promises are "the unsearchable riches of Christ," Ephesians 3:6 ; Eph 3:9 who is "the heir of all," Heb 1:2 and hath made godly men his co-heirs, Rom 8:17 entailing upon them riches and honour, delight and pleasure, life and length of days, the blessings of both hands. Proverbs 3:16,17 ; Proverbs 8:18 ; Deuteronomy 28:1,14 ; Psa 112:2-3 Godly men, in Scripture, are read to have been richer than any; as Abraham, Isaac, David, &c., so they might be now (likely) if they would be as godly, Bonus Deus Constantinum Magnum, tantis terrenis implevit muneribus, quanta optare nullus auderet, saith Augustine. a If God deny gain to godliness, it is that it may be admired for itself, as having an autarchy. (μετ ' αυταρκειας), a self-sufficiency 1Ti 6:6 He makes up in the true treasure: and a grain of grace is worth all the gold of Ophir; a remnant of faith, better than all gay clothing. Achan's wedge of gold served for no better purpose, than to cleave asunder his soul from his body; and the Babylonish garment but for a shroud. But, contented godliness, like Solomon's good wife, "doth a man good, and not evil, all his days": Pro 31:12 for it brings his mind and his means together, and makes him rest well assured of a sufficiency, though he miss of a superfluity.

a Aug. De Civ. Dei., lib. v. cap. 25.

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