For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him.

Ver. 14. And the Philistines envied him.] Envy is the constant companion of prosperity, as David felt and complained. Succoth and Pennel contemn Gideon, out of envy of his victory; Joseph's brethren cannot abide him, because more favoured of his father. Korah maligneth Moses; Saul, David; the Pharisees, our Saviour; their malice wilfully crossing their consciences. Caligula sacrificed to Neptune and Envy, ne sibi, ut ipse dicebat, invideretur. a He thought other men sick, like him, of his disease (as the devil accused God of envy to our first parents); for certainly there was not a more envious person living than he; witness his throwing down the statues of all famous men, and defacing their titles; forbidding any new to be set up without his leave and liking. So that tiger, Tiberius, laid hold, with his spiteful teeth, on all the excellent spirits of his time: he put a poet to death, for making an excellent tragedy; b and banished a certain architect, for building an elaborate porch at Rome, which he could not choose but admire and reward with money. Nero envied all men that were any whit gracious with the people. c Valentinian hated all that were well apparelled, or well learned, or wealthy, or noble d Fortibus etiam detrahere solebat, ut solus videretur bonis artibus eminere, saith Ammianus. e Germanicus had not any more deadly enemies than his own ornaments, f and his adversaries (as here Isaac's) had - nothing to complain of him, more than his greatness. So true is that of Salust; g Difficillimum inter mortales est, gloria invidiam vincere. Hercules had not more ado with Hydra than a good man shall have with this beast. Envied he shall be of his neighbour, for his labour and right work. Ecc 4:4 "This is also vanity, and vexation of spirit."

a Dio in Vita Caligula.

b Sueton., cap. 3 and 4. Lucano, quod arte poetics clarus erat vetitum fuit, ne carmen faceret.

c Dio in Neron.

d Seneca.

e Am. Marcell., lib. xxx. cap. 29.

f Tacitus.

g Salust in Catil.

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