And his mother said unto him, Upon me [be] thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me [them].

Ver. 13. Upon me be thy curse, my son.] A bold speech: but she respected the promise by faith; she relied on that oracle, Gen 25:23 which Isaac might misinterpret, understanding it not of the persons of his sons, but of their posterity. Bernardus non vidit omnia. Isaac was not more blind in his eyes than in his affection to his firstborn; and that might mislead him. But Rebekah saw further than he, and therefore made this bold adventure, not without some mixture of infirmity, to procure Jacob the blessing, against her husband's will and intention. A wife is not to perform such blind obedience to her husband as Plutarch a prescribeth, when he layeth it as a law of wedlock on the wife to acknowledge and worship the same gods, and none else, but those whom her husband honours and reputes for gods. Be men pleased or displeased, God must not be displeased.

a Plut. Moral., 318.

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