And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew [it] not.

Ver. 16. And I knew it not,] viz., That God is graciously present in one place, as well as in another. Our ignorance and unbelief is freely to be confessed and acknowledged. Thus David; Psa 73:22 Agur. Pro 30:2 Pray for me, saith Father Latimer to his friend; pray for me, I say: for I am sometimes so fearful, that I would creep into a mouse hole. a And in a certain sermon; b I myself, saith he, have used, in mine earnest matters, to say, "Yea, by St Mary"; which indeed is naught.

a In his letter to Ridley, Act. and Mon., 1565.

b Sermon in 3d Sunday in Advent.

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