And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

Ver. 20. And Jacob vowed a vow.] The first holy vow that ever we read of: whence Jacob also is called the father of vows; which, out of this text, may be thus described. A vow is nothing else but a religious promise made to God in prayer, and grounded upon the promise of God; whereby we tie ourselves, by way of thankfulness, to do something that is lawful, and within our power; with condition of obtaining some further favour at the hands of God. Thus Jacob vows to God only: he is the sole object of fear, therefore also of vows. See them set together, Psalms 76:11. Next, he prays when he vows. Eυχη ετ προσευχη : a vow and a prayer are of near and necessary affinity. See Psa 61:8 Judges 11:30,31. That was a blasphemous vow of Pope Julius, that said, he would have his will, al despito di Dio. a And not unlike of Solyman the great Turk, in a speech to his soldiers: So help me great Mohammed, I vow, in despite of Christ and John, in short time to set up mine ensigns with the Moon, in the middle of the market place in Rhodes. b Jacob, as he vowed only by the fear of his father Isaac, so he presented his vow in a holy prayer, not in a hellish execration. I add, that it is a promise grounded upon God's promise; so was Jacob's here, in all points, as is to be seen if compared with Genesis 28:15. Next, I say, that by this vow we bind ourselves, &c. Not as casting any new snare upon ourselves thereby; but rather a new provocation to the payment of an old debt. For what can Jacob vow to God that he owes him not beforehand, without any such obligation? This he doth, too, by way of thankfulness; as doth likewise David in Psalms 116:8,9, and otherwhere. And that which he voweth is lawful and possible: not as theirs was, that vowed Paul's death, Act 23:14 or as Julian the apostate's, who, going against the Persians, made this vow; that if he sped well, he would offer the blood of Christians. Or as that Constable of France, who covenanted with God, that if he had the victory at St Quintin's, he would attack Geneva. c These men thought they had made a great good bargain with God; but did not his hot wrath kindle against them? So Gerald Earl of Desmond's Irishmen were justly consumed with famine and sword, which had barbarously vowed to forswear God, before they would forsake him. d Lastly, all this that Jacob doth, is on condition of some further favour: "If God will be with me, and will preserve me, and provide for me," &c. All which he doubts not of, as having a promise; but yet helps forward his faith by this holy vow; then shall God have the utmost, both in inward and outward worship: for God shall be his God; and he will build him a house, and pay him tithes, &c.

And will give me bread to eat.] "Having food and raiment," saith the apostle, "let us therewith be content." Nature is content with little; e grace with less. Insaniae damnandi sunt, qui tam multa, tam anxie congerunt, quum sit tam paucis opus, saith Ludovicus Vives. Oλιγοδεης ο σπουδαιος, saith Clem. Alex. Cibus et potus sunt divitiae Christianorum, saith Jerome. Bread and water, with the gospel, are good cheer, saith Greenham. Cui cum paupertate bene convenit, pauper non est. f The disciples are bid pray for bread, not biscuit: they dined, on a Sabbath day, with grain rubbed in their hands, with broiled fish, &c. Luther made many a meal of a herring; g Junius, of an egg. One told a philosopher, If you will be content to please Dionysius, you need not feed upon green herbs. He replied, And if you be content to feed upon green herbs, you need not please Dionysius.

a Act. and Mon.

b Turk. Hist.

c Act. and Mon., 1914.

d Camd. Elisab., fol. 258. A.D. 1583.

e Vir bonis paucis indiget .

f Seneca.

g Melch. Adam.

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