And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept.

Ver. 11. Lifted up his voice, and wept.] For joy, that he had so happily lighted upon his kinswoman. It argued also his great affection, and passion of mind, for her sake; love is ecstatical; nec iuris se sinit esse sui. Animus est ubi amat, non ubi animat. a He kisseth Rachel, as if he would have transfused his soul into her: and wept aloud; not as those vain lovers, who ut flerent, oculos erudiere suos :nor as the Brasileans, b whose faculty is such, that tears are for a present salutation, and as soon gone, as if they had said, How do you? but as Joseph wept over Benjamin; the prodigal's father over him, &c.

a Ovid. Amor ., lib. ii.

b Magni. in Geogr .

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