And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him [but] a few days, for the love he had to her.

Ver. 20. And they seemed unto him but a few days.] And yet lovers' hours are full of eternity. But love facilitated the service, and made the time seem short. a Should anything seem hard or heavy to us, so we may have heaven at length? The affliction is but light and momentary; the glory massive, and for all eternity. Hold out, Faith and Patience. Love is a passion, and seen most in suffering; "much water cannot quench it". Son 8:7 Nay, like fire, it devours all delays and difficulties, spending and exhaling itself, as it were, in continual wishes to be at home, to be with Christ, which is "far, far the better," (πολλω μαλλον, κρεισσον, Php 1:23). Oh, let the eternal weight of the crown weigh down with us the light and momentary weight of the cross.

a Nox longa quibus mentitur amica, diesque longa videtur opus debentibus, et piger annus pupillis.

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