And Jacob said unto Laban, Give [me] my wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her.

Ver. 21. Give me my wife, for my days, &c.] Jacob had served out his time, and now demands his due. David also is said to have "served the will of God, for his own age"; Act 13:36 and John Baptist to have "fulfilled his course". Act 13:25 "Moses also was faithful in all God's house, as a servant". Heb 3:2 Yet these could not call for heaven as their wages, because they were (as the best are, at their best) but "unprofitable servants," Luk 17:10 and did not, in any measure, what their duty was to do. We have not a bit of bread of our own earning; and are therefore taught to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread": we get our living by begging. Our best plea is, Domine, non sum dignus, nihi - lominus tamen sum indigens :Lord, I am not worthy, but I am needy, as Pomeran said. Then will God, of his free grace, supply all our necessities, and "afterwards receive us to glory." He will bring us into the bride chamber of heaven, and there will he give us his loves. He will let out himself into us, to our infinite delight. Of all natural delights, that of marriage is the greatest, because there is the greatest communication of one creature to another; and according to the degrees of communication are the degrees of delight. Think the same in the mystical marriage.

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