And Laban said, It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn.

Ver. 26. It must not be so done in our country.] A sorry excuse; but better, he thought, than none at all. A subtle fox he was, and far too hard for honest Jacob, who was "simple to evil," but of a large reach for heaven. "The children of this world are wise in their generation"; and so is the fox in his: but God will take them in their own craft, as wild beasts in a snare, "made and taken to be destroyed". 1Co 3:19-20 a Let us take heed how we deal with them, and make our bargains as wise as we can. Crebro nobis, sicut Ciceroni, b vafer ille Siculus insusurret Epicharmi cantilenam illam suam, Nυφε και μεμνησο απινειν. "We have not received the spirit of this world"; 1Co 2:12 we cannot skill of the devil's depths: but we have received a better thing; "the Spirit which searcheth all, yea, the deep things of God". 1Co 2:10

a O δρασσομενος. Manu capere et firmiter tenere .

b Cic. ad Attic .

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