And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.

Ver. 31. He halted upon his thigh.] Yet had the blessing. So God's people are promised a hundredfold here, with persecution; that is tied, as a rag, to the profession of Christianity. Christ, our Captain, had a bloody victory of it. Paul "bare in his body the marks," or scars, "of the Lord Jesus"; Gal 6:17 and glories in these "infirmities," 2Co 12:9-10 as he calls them. These are God's gems and precious ornaments, said Munster to his friends, pointing them to his sores and ulcers, wherewith God decketh his children, that he may draw them to himself. This he said a little before his death. At death, saith Piscator, God wrestles with his people, laying hold on their consciences by the menaces of the law. a They again resist this assault by laying hold upon God, by the faith of the gospel, well assured that Christ hath freed them from the curse of the law, by being made a curse for them on the cross. God yields himself overcome by this re-encounter; but yet toucheth their thigh, takes away their life. Howbeit, this hindereth not the sun of life eternal to arise upon them as they pass over Penuel.

a Joh. Manlii, loc. com., 127.

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