And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give.

Ver. 11, 12. Ask me never so much dowry.] Heb., Multiply ye upon me, vehemently. Unbridled affection spares for no cost, so it may be satisfied. Judah parted with his signet, bracelets, and staff to the harlot. Gen 38:18 Herod, that old fornicator, bids the dancing damsel ask what she will, to the half of his kingdom. Mat 16:7 One there was that would not buy repentance so dear as the harlot demanded. a But those miscreants in Micah will give anything for a dispensation to live in sin; they offer "thousands of rams, and ten thousands of rivers of oil; yea, the sons of their body, for the sins of their souls." Mic 6:7

a Demosth.

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