And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter: and he [was] more honourable than all the house of his father.

Ver. 19. And the young man deferred not, &c.] Heb., Neque distulit puer; The lad deferred not. He is called a lad or a child, that is, a fool; because he was carried, not by right reason, but blind affection, "walking in the ways of his heart and sight of his eyes". Ecc 11:9 And the word a used to signify "youth," Ecc 11:10 signifieth darkness; to note, that youth is the dark age, hot, and headlong, indeliberate and slippery, such as had need to "cleanse their ways, by cleaving to the Word," saith David; Psa 119:9 where the word for "cleansing," properly signifies the cleansing of glass, which, as it is slick and slippery, so, though it be very clean, yet it will gather filth, even in the sunbeams, and of itself: which noteth the great corruption of this age.

a Hτθεος, of αιθω. Aτζηος, of ζεω .

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