Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty [pieces] of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.

Ver. 28. For twenty pieces of silver.] A goodly price! not all out the price of a slave. Exo 21:32 Here "they sold the just one for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoes." Amo 2:6 The Hebrews tell us, that of these twenty shekels, every of the ten brethren had two, to buy shoes for their feet a

And they brought Joseph into Egypt.] Little knowing what a prize they had in their hand, even the jewel of the world, and him that should one day be lord of Egypt. The saints, for their worth, are called "princes in all lands"; Psa 45:16 kings in righteousness, b though somewhat obscure ones, - as Melchisedec. Heb 7:1-28 They are called "God's portion"; Deu 32:9 "the dearly beloved of his soul"; Jer 12:7 "a royal diadem in the hands of Jehovah." Isa 62:3 This the cock on the dunghill, the Midianitish muckworms take no notice of. They could see no comeliness in Christ, though the fairest of ten thousand; nothing more than a despicable man. "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?." Joh 6:52 God had hid him ("in whom all the treasures of" worth and "wisdom were hid," Col 2:3) under the carpenter's son: this pearl was covered with a shellfish; so are all God's precious people, for most part, abjects in the world's eye; their glory is within; "their life is hid": they are great heirs, but as yet in their non-age; kings, but in a strange country; heads destinated to the diadem; but this "the world knows not." 1Jn 3:1 Let it suffice us that God, and all that can spiritually discern, know it; and so shall others: as Joseph's brethren did him, in his bravery. For "when Christ, our life, appear, we shall appear with him in glory." Col 3:4

a Pirke R. Eliez, cap. 38.

b "Many righteous," are "many kings." Compare Mat 13:17 with Luke 10:24 .

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