And they sent the coat of [many] colours, and they brought [it] to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it [be] thy son's coat or no.

Ver. 32. Know now whether it be thy son's coat.] One Philip, bishop of Beauvieu, in France, in the time of our Richard I, being a martial man, and much annoying our borders, was by King Richard in a skirmish happily taken, and put in prison. The bishop hereupon complained to the Pope, who wrote in the behalf of his son, as an ecclesiastical person, &c. The king sent to the Pope the armour he was taken in, with these words engraven thereon, "Know whether this be thy son's coat, or not." Which the Pope viewing, sware it was rather the coat of a son of Mars, than a son of the Church; and so bade the king use his pleasure. a

a Heyl., Geog., p. 108.

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