When Judah saw her, he thought her [to be] an harlot; because she had covered her face.

Ver. 15. He thought her to be an harlot.] Because she sat in an open place: first, In bivio, saith Junius, where there is liberty of looking every way; the guise and garb of harlots. Proverbs 7:12 ; Proverbs 9:14 Eze 16:24-25 Next, she sat covered: whores were not altogether so shameless then as now: they shun not to be seen with bold and bare faces, breasts, and wrists. a Such a sight may soon inflame a Judah; nay, occasion a Job to break his covenant. Job 31:1 The ivy bush showeth there is wine within: which, though no evil follow upon it; yet the party shall be damned, saith Jerome, because she offered poison to others, though none would drink it. See Isaiah 3:16 .

Because she had covered her face.] Some read, Because she had coloured or painted her face. But that he knew her not by her voice one would wonder. Surely, he was so set upon the satisfying of his lust that he minded nothing else. Lust is blind; "and if the blind lead the blind," &c.

a Hosea 2:2 - "Let her take away her fornication from her face, and her adultery from between her breasts"; laid out, and painted, or patched.

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