And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph [was] bound.

Ver. 3. And he put them in ward, &c.] See the slippery estate of courtiers: today in favour, tomorrow in disgrace; as Haman; Sejanus, whom the same senators conducted to the prison, who had accompanied him to the senate. They which sacrificed unto him, as to their god, which kneeled down to adore him, now scoffed at him, seeing him dragged from the temple to the jail, from supreme honour to extreme ignominy. His greatest friends were most passionate against him, &c., they would not once look at him; as men look not after sundials, longer than the sun shines upon them. a

The place where Joseph was bound.] Here was a "wheel within a wheel," Eze 1:16 a sweet providence; that these obnoxious officers should be sent to Joseph's prison.

a Tacit.

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